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Yayasan Tunku Abdul Rahman's commitment to transparency is validated with a 95% score and A Rating on Wiki Impact's Transparency Score of Malaysia’s Foundations

Yayasan Tunku Abdul Rahman (YTAR) is proud to receive a 95% score on Wiki Impact’s Transparency Score of Malaysia’s Foundations. This ranks YTAR among the top 0.9% of approximately 1,710 foundations evaluated. The A grade rating reflects the Foundation’s commitment to transparency and good governance. 

The Transparency Score of Malaysia’s Foundations report provides an assessment of foundations based on four criterias, including financial reports, impact reports, social media presence, and website information and availability. YTAR's 95% score breakdown is as follows:

  • Financial Report: 25%

  • Impact Report: 20%

  • Social Media: 25%

  • Website: 25%

While we achieved strong scores in all areas, a 5% deduction in the Impact Report criteria, was attributed to a lack of impact reports in 2018-2019. Since 2020, we have addressed this gap by producing impact reports as part of our annual report. As a statutory body, YTAR is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of governance and transparency. We are dedicated to ongoing improvements in our operations and reporting which will be highlighted in our 2023 Annual Report that will be released in the coming months. This recognition is a testament to the collective support and dedication from our Board of Trustees, staff, partners, supporters, and the entire YTAR community.

YTAR remains steadfast in its mission to empower youth with the skills, resources, and resilience to shape better futures for themselves, their communities and Malaysia.

We invite organisations and individuals who share our mission to partner with us in offering higher education access programmes, scholarships, and employability programmes.

For more information about us, visit our website at or contact us at


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