FutureReady today.
Succeed tomorrow.
The FutureReady programme is a joint collaboration between YTAR and Accenture Malaysia designed to equip university students from under-represented communities with futureproof skills, knowledge and experience to thrive in today’s competitive graduate job market.
Applications Period
29 March - 17 May 2024
Programme Duration
July - September 2024
Applications for FR4.0 is open now!
FutureReady is an intensive 3-month programme that immerses you into 3 fully-physical Conferences based in Kuala Lumpur aimed at drawing out the futureproof version of yourself. During these 3 months, you can expect to:
Discover how to analyse, communicate and problem- solve through workshops, forums and case study challenges.
Build long-lasting networks with fellow participants from all over Malaysia, as well as experienced professionals from Accenture Malaysia, YTAR and more.
Navigate your learning with easy-to-follow materials and real-world insights from our Mentors.
We are looking for:
Malaysian students pursuing an undergraduate degree in a local public or private university recognised by MQA.
Students with a CGPA of 3.0 and above with an above intermediate English proficiency.
Students hailing from high need backgrounds, underrepresented or underserved communities
Priority will be given to unemployed graduates and penultimate/final-year students.
The whole programme will be conducted in English.
Open to all degrees except Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry.
How to Apply
Stage 1
Fill up the application form here.
Stage 2
Answer two questions in the form.
Stage 3
You will receive a confirmation email from us by end of May 2024 if you are selected.
Asked Questions
When will I hear back after submitting my application? // Bilakah saya akan mendapat balasan selepas menghantar permohonan?For the Tunku Abdul Rahman Scholarship results, please note that applicants shortlisted for interviews or those who have been rejected will receive notification emails between the end of June and July 2024. Kindly ensure to check your spam inbox regularly. Additionally, stay updated with our announcements on social media for any announcements regarding the scholarship results. ---- Bagi keputusan BTAR, setiap pemohon akan menerima e-mel jika anda dipanggil untuk temuduga ataupun tidak pada hujung bulan Jun hingga Julai. Sila periksa peti masuk spam anda juga. Kami juga akan menyiarkan pemberian e-mel tersebut melalui media sosial kami, jadi nantikan!
Where can I apply for the Tunku Abdul Rahman Scholarship? // Di manakah saya boleh membuat permohonan biasiswa BTAR?Head over to Yayasan Tunku Abdul Rahman’s portal www.yayasantar.org.my and click on the “Apply Now” button to be directed to the application form. Alternatively, access the application form easily and directly via bit.ly/btar2024 Layari ke portal Yayasan Tunku Abdul Rahman’s www.yayasantar.org.my dan tekan “mohon sekarang” untuk mendapat borang permohonan. Akses borang permohonan Biasiswa Tunku Abdul Rahman dengan cepat melalui bit.ly/btar2024
When is the application deadline? // Bilakah tarikh tutup permohonan?The BTAR application will close on the 21st of April 2024 at 11.59 p.m. Permohonan BTAR akan ditutup pada 21 April 2024 pada pukul 11.59 p.m.
What is the application process for the BTAR scholarship? // Apakah proses permohonan BTAR?The application process of the BTAR scholarship can be found at https://www.yayasantar.org.my/tarscholarship Proses permohonan BTAR boleh didapati di https://www.yayasantar.org.my/tarscholarship
What language should I use to fill up the application form? // Bahasa apa yang perlu saya guna untuk mengisi borang permohonan?You may answer the application form either in English or Bahasa Malaysia. Anda boleh mengisi borang permohonan sama ada dalam Bahasa Inggeris atau Bahasa Malaysia.
What documents can I submit as evidence? // Dokumen apa yang boleh diserahkan sebagai bukti?The evidence is to be attached to the application form and can be submitted in the form of work portfolio, recommendation letters, or certificates. You may only submit a maximum of 3 documents. Bukti dokumen adalah dilampirkan dalam borang permohonan dalam bentuk portfolio kerja, surat sokongan, atau sijil. Anda boleh melampirkan maximum 3 dokumen sahaja.
What if I do not have my latest STPM results to apply for the scholarship, may I use the results of my previous semester? // Bolehkah saya menggunakan keputusan semester sebelum ini jika saya tidak memperolehi result STPM?Yes, you may use the result of your previous semester to submit your application. Please take note that we might ask for your latest STPM results if you are called for an interview in July. Ya, anda boleh menggunakan keputusan semester sebelum ini. Sila ambil tahu bahawa kami mungkin akan meminta keputusan STPM terbaharu jika anda dipanggil untuk temu duga pada bulan Julai.
What supporting documents should I provide if my parents are no longer working or are unable to provide supporting documents? // Dokumen sokongan apa yang perlu dilampirkan jika kedua-dua ibu bapa saya tidak lagi bekerja atau tidak dapat dilampirkan?You will need to provide a declaration letter to state that your parents are not working or unable to support you. The letter must be signed by relevant authorities such as the commissioner of oaths, school principal, village head or those of the same level. Anda perlu menyediakan surat pengisytiharan untuk menyatakan bahawa ibu bapa anda tidak bekerja atau tidak dapat menyokong anda. Surat tersebut hendaklah ditandatangani oleh pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan seperti pesuruhjaya sumpah, pengetua sekolah, ketua kampung atau yang setaraf dengannya..
Who should write my recommendation letter? // Siapakah yang harus menulis surat cadangan saya?Your recommendation letter should be written by someone who knows you in a professional capacity. You will be required to provide the name and contact details of the person writing your recommendation letter. Surat cadangan anda boleh ditulis oleh individu yang mengenali anda dalam kapasiti profesional. Anda diperlukan untuk menyediakan nama dan butiran kenalan individu yang menulis surat cadangan anda.
What do I do if I face technical difficulties upon submitting my application? // Apakah yang perlu dilakukan jika saya menghadapi masalah teknikal semasa menghantar borang permohonan?Please drop us an email at admin@yayasantar.org.my with a screenshot of the problem. Our team will respond to your inquiry. Sila hantarkan emel kepada kami ke admin@yayasantar.org.my berserta tangkapan skrin masalah tersebut. Pihak kami akan membalas pertanyaan anda.
How will the interview be conducted? // Bagaimanakah temuduga akan dijalankan?All interviews will be conducted virtually and you will be provided with the relevant details in the event that you are shortlisted to the interview stage. Semua temu duga akan dijalankan secara maya dan anda akan disediakan dengan maklumat relevan jika anda dipanggil untuk temu duga.
How will I know if my application has been submitted and received by YTAR? // Bagaimanakah saya boleh mengetahui jika permohonan BTAR saya telah dihantar dan diterima oleh pihak YTAR?All applicants will receive an email that your application has been received by YTAR. Please check the email that you have registered on the form including your spam folder. Semua pemohon akan menerima e-mel yang mengatakan permohonan anda telah diterima oleh YTAR. Sila menyemak e-mel yang anda telah daftarkan di dalam borang permohonan dan juga menyemak ruangan spam anda.
Will there be an information session conducted to explain further about this scholarship? // Adakah sebuah sesi informasi akan dilaksakan untuk menjelaskan dengan lebih lanjut tentang biasiswa ini?The YTAR team shall conduct 2 information session in English and also Bahasa Malaysia throughout the application season. You may get more details on our social medias where you may find linked here https://linktr.ee/yayasantar. Alternatively, if you would like an information session conducted privately for your university or your community, you may reach out to us at admin@yayasantar.org.my with a minimum of 30 participants joined for the session. // Pihak YTAR akan menyediakan 2 sesi informasi di dalam Bahasa Malaysia dan juga Bahasa Inggeris sepanjang permohonan dibuka. Informasi lebih lanjut boleh didapati di https://linktr.ee/yayasantar. Selain itu, jika anda ingin mengadakan sesi informasi secara privasi untuk universiti atau komuniti anda, sila e-mel kami di admin@yayasantar.org.my dengan syarat sekurang-kurangnya 30 orang menghadiri sesi tersebut.
What undergraduate courses are eligible for BTAR? // Apakah kursus sarjana muda yang layak untuk BTAR?All MQA-Accredited courses are eligible to apply for BTAR, including courses like Medicine and Dentistry. You may refer to the full MQA-accredited list here. Semua kursus ijazah sarjana muda yang telah diakreditasi oleh MQA layak untuk BTAR. Anda boleh merujuk senarai penuh bertauliah MQA di sini.
Are part-time students eligible for this scholarship? // Adakah pelajar separuh masa dibenarkan untuk memohon?No, only full-time undergraduate degree students are eligible to apply for the scholarship. Tidak, hanya pelajar ijazah sarjana muda sepenuh masa dibenarkan untuk memohon.
If my current CGPA is below 3.0, am I eligible to apply for the scholarship? // Jika CGPA semasa dibawah 3.0, adakah saya layak untuk memohon biasiswa ini?We don't have a minimum CGPA requirement for applications. However, if you're admitted into the scholarship programme, you must maintain a CGPA of 3.0 or higher throughout the scholarship programme. Ya, anda layak untuk memohon biasiswa ini kerana BTAR tidak mempunyai syarat kelayakkan PNGK. Namun begitu, jika anda diterima sebagai seorang Tunku Scholar, anda diminta untuk mengekalkan PNGK 3.0 keatas sepanjang ijazah sarjana muda anda.
Am I eligible to apply for the scholarship if my parents are not Malaysian citizens, but I am Malaysian? Adakah saya layak untuk memohon jika ibu bapa saya bukan warganegara Malaysia, tetapi saya memiliki kewarganegaraan?Yes, you are eligible to apply for the Scholarship. Ya, anda layak untuk memohon biasiswa ini.
I have not received an offer letter from the university yet, am I eligible to apply? // Saya belum memiliki surat tawaran daripada universiti, adakah saya layak untuk memohon?Yes, you are eligible to apply for the scholarship provided that you are either pursuing or have completed your pre-university programme. However, students who are shortlisted will be required to provide the university offer letter by September. Ya, anda layak untuk memohon sama ada anda sedang melanjutkan atau telah menamatkan program pra-universiti. Namun pelajar yang disenarai pendek perlu menyediakan surat tawaran universiti pada bulan September.
Can I apply for PTPTN before applying for the scholarship? // Boleh saya memohon untuk PTPTN sebelum memohon untuk biasiswa?Your PTPTN loan status will not be an issue during your scholarship application. Should you be awarded the scholarship you will be required to terminate your PTPTN loan as YTAR will be covering your fees under our scholarship programme. Status pinjaman PTPTN tidak akan menjadi isu semasa memohon biasiswa ini. Jika anda ditawarkan biasiswa ini, anda perlu menamatkan pinjaman PTPTN kerana pihak YTAR akan menanggung pembiayaan pembelajaran dibawah program biasiswa kami.
Would it be an issue if I am applying for other scholarships while applying for BTAR? // Adakah ini menjadi isu jikalau saya memohon untuk biasiswa lain semasa memohon untuk BTAR?No, it will not be an issue as we encourage applicants to look into different scholarships and forms of financial aid to find what works best for you. Tidak, ini tidak akan menjadi isu kerana kami mengalakkan pemohon untuk melihat pelbagai biasiswa dan bentuk bantuan kewangan yang paling sesuai untuk anda.
Am I allowed to reapply for BTAR if I have applied previously? // Adakah saya dibenarkan untuk memohon semula jika saya telah memohon sebelum ini?We highly encourage those who have applied for the scholarship previously to reapply. Ya, kami sangat menggalakkan mereka yang telah memohon biasiswa sebelum ini untuk memohon semula.
I'm planning to apply for a Bachelor's Degree overseas. May I use the Tunku Abdul Rahman Scholarship to continue my studies there? // Saya ingin menyambung ijazah sarjana muda di luar negara. Bolehkan saya menggunakan BTAR disana?Unfortunately, BTAR only sponsors students who are pursuing or plan to pursue their Bachelor's Degree in public or private universities in Malaysia. BTAR hanya akan menaja pelajar yang mengambil Ijazah Sarjana Muda di universiti awam dan swasta di Malaysia.
I am still in my pre-university. Am I eligible to apply even though I do not have a placement in undergraduate degree yet? // Saya masih di dalam pra-universiti. Adakah saya layak untuk memohon biasiswa ini walaupun tidak lagi menerima tawaran ijazah sarjana muda?Yes, you are eligible to apply for the Tunku Abdul Rahman Scholarship. You will have to make sure to complete your pre-university course and start your undergraduate degree latest by the March 2025. Ya, anda layak untuk memohon Biasiswa Tunku Abdul Rahman. Sila pastikan anda menamat pra-universiti dan menerima tawaran ijazah sarjana muda yang akan bermula selewat-lewatnya pada Mac 2025.
Is the Tunku Abdul Rahman Scholarship open to SPM or post graduate (Master/PHD) students? // Adakah Biasiswa Tunku Abdul Rahman dibuka untuk pelajar SPM atau pelajar pasca-sarjana (ijazah sarjana/doktor falsafah)?The Tunku Abdul Rahman Scholarship is not open to SPM or post graduate students as we only support undergraduate degree students. // Biasiswa Tunku Abdul Rahman tidak dibuka kepada pelajar SPM ataupun pasca-sarjana kerana kami hanya menyokon pelajar ijazah sarjana muda sahaja.
What are the allowances provided to the BTAR recipients? // Apakah elaun yang diberikan kepada penerima BTAR?BTAR includes full sponsorship of tuition fees in any MQA-accredited public or private university for study in Malaysia. Students are provided monthly living allowance, annual allowance as well as other allowances. For the full breakdown of the scholarship allowances, please refer to https://www.yayasantar.org.my/tarscholarship BTAR termasuk tajaan penuh yuran pembelajaran di universiti awam atau swasta yang diiktiraf oleh MQA dan elaun bulanan, tahunan dan elaun lain-lain. Anda boleh rujuk senarai penuh elaun di https://www.yayasantar.org.my/biasiswa-tar
Are recipients of the BTAR scholarship bonded to YTAR or any organisation? // Adakah penerima BTAR terikat dengan YTAR atau organisasi lain?No, recipients are not required to serve YTAR or any other organisation after completing their undergraduate degree. Tidak, penerima tidak perlu bekerja denganYTAR atau organisasi khusus yang lain selepas menamatkan peringkat sarjana.
Is the 2-year leadership development programme compulsory for all Scholars? // Adakah program pembangunan kepimpinan 2 tahun wajib bagi semua penerima BTAR?Yes, it is compulsory for all Scholars to participate in the 2-year leadership development programme. Ya, program pembangunan kepimpinan 2 tahun wajib bagi semua penerima BTAR.
Are scholarship recipients required to pay back the Foundation upon completion of the studies or contractually bounded to work at the Foundation? // Adakah penerima biasiswa dikehendaki membayar balik kepada Yayasan setelah menamatkan ijazah sarjana muda ataupun terikat secara kontrak kepada Yayasan?No, scholarship recipients are not required to pay back the Foundation upon completion of their studies, nor are they contractually bound to work at the Foundation. However, they are expected to serve Malaysia in some capacity after completing their education, as a way of giving back to their country. This service can take various forms, such as working in the public sector, volunteering, or contributing to the development of their local communities. The Foundation sees its scholarship program as a way of investing in the future of Malaysia, and encourages its recipients to use their education and skills to make a positive impact on society. Tidak, penerima biasiswa tidak perlu membayar balik apa-apa kepada Yayasan setelah menamatkan ijazah sarjana muda dan juga tidak terikat kepada Yayasan secara kontrak. Namun begitu, para penerima biasiswa dikehendaki berkhidmat secara am setelah menamatkan pelajaran sebagai salah satu cara memberi balik kepada negara. Perkhidmatan ini boleh dijalankan dengan pelbagai cara seperti bekerja dengan kerajaan, menjadi sukarelawan ataupun memberi balik kepada pembangunan komuniti anda. Yayasan Tunku Abdul Rahman melihat program biasiswa ini sebagai sebuah pelaburan kepada masa depan Malaysia dan ingin menggalakkan penerima biasiswa ini untuk menggunakan pendidikan dan kemahiran untuk memberi impak positif kepada masyarakat.
How many Leadership Conferences must Scholars attend? // Sebagai seorang Scholar, berapa Kem Pembangunan Diri harus saya hadiri sepanjang program pembangunan kepemimpinan 2 tahun?In total, you will have to attend 4 Leadership Conferences and 1 Alumni Induction Camp within the 2 year programme. These Leadership Conferences will be held virtually and also physically within the Klang Valley. Secara keseluruhan, anda perlu hadir 4 Kem Pembangunan Diri dan 1 Kem Induksi Alumni selama 2 tahun. Kem Pembangunan Diri akan diadakan secara maya dan juga secara fizikal disekitar Lembah Klang.
Impact of
University Students
Public and
private universities
Students from B40 households
FR3.0 participants rate this programme an average of
of FR3.0 participants felt more ready for the working world after participating in FutureReady
FutureReady Voices
Hear from our FutureReady alumni and what they have to say about the programme!
I graduated in August 2022 and started applying for jobs but then, I realised that I had no experience at all and the job market was pretty dry. I was unable to find any positions. Then, I was recommended to join FutureReady and decided to give it a shot. My goal was to use this opportunity to be productive by further developing my professional and soft skills. Another key reason was since this programme was run in collaboration with Accenture, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to get an understanding of the role of being a consultant.
Blake Tan
FR1.0 Alumni
I enjoyed the content a lot! It was from a business perspective which I have never had the chance to get exposed to.
I enjoyed learning about how organisations work, how pitching works and learned at least a little on how life will be like in the corporate world.
Aysha Fateeha
FR2.0 Alumni
Reflecting on my post-event experience with FutureReady, I appreciate the program's impact on my consulting skills through engaging Mini-Pitches and insightful workshops. The mentorship provided a valuable post-event perspective,tailoring to individual goals. Integrating workshop content into real-world scenarios post-event solidifies the practical application. FutureReady's commitment to adaptability post-event makes it a promising avenue for post-event professional development with hands-on and tailored learning experiences personally to me.
Kavinna Alageasan
FR3.0 Alumni
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Together, we can empower and support a new generation of Malaysian leaders in shaping a better future for themselves and for all communities as a whole.
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A sponsorship of RM120,000 allows a Tunku Scholar to achieve their educational dreams and contribute meaningfully to their communities.
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Support a Scholar’s higher education journey or stretch your ringgit further by contributing to our endownment fund.
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Accelerate the development of our Scholars by providing personal development, career and networking opportunities.